Welcome! We’re glad you’re interested in contributing to our blog!
Baby Know How accepts well-written article submissions from talented writers, like yourself.
Types of articles we accept:
• How-to
• Tips and tricks
• List-based
• Studies/stats
• Expert opinion
• Any creative pieces
Please read the guidelines below BEFORE contacting us, as your submission may be rejected immediately if it does not comply with them.
Guest Post Guidelines:
Topics We Cover (Your Content Needs to Be About One Of These)
• Baby Care Tips
• Baby Products
• Advice for Parents
Don’t Know What To Write?
If you’re having difficulty coming up with a topic for our blog, you can email us at:
info [AT] babyknowhow [DOT] com
We will give you a topic and content structure to research and write.
More Requirements:
Word count must be above 2,000+ words in length. (We’re looking for complete, full, articles)
Use Google Docs – provide a working share-link
Fluent English only. We do not accept articles riddled with grammatical errors.
Format your text correctly. Use H1, H2, H3.. tags properly. No large blocks of text.
Suggest AT LEAST 2-3 images within the post. Provide the source links for your suggested images.
Your submission must not be published anywhere else and totally unique, we test every submission.
Provide any sources for your images, quotes, and statistics.
Please include your biography and headshot with your submission.
NO promotional content – otherwise it will be considered a sponsored post – links to relevant blog posts and content is accepted.
2-5 authority out-links! (links going out to authoritative sources like petmd.com)
Provide a featured Image (High Definition – no blurry images!)
We may not respond to your submission if the guidelines above are not followed. In the rare case we do respond, we will request you rework your submission to follow all guidelines.
If you’re ready to pitch your ideas or submit your content, contact us at:
info [AT] babyknowhow [DOT] com