The Best Prenatal Vitamins

Women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant often have one thing on their minds: helping their baby grow and develop in utero while staying strong and healthy themselves. A good prenatal vitamin can provide all the vitamins and nutrients that doctors recommend to help promote good development in utero. They can also provide the vitamins and nutrients that expecting mothers need so that their bodies can support their baby and give him or her the best start in life.

We reviewed dozens of prenatal vitamins to identify the best of the best. The key features we kept in mind were the ingredients used, how natural those ingredients are, and when they can be taken (before, during, and after pregnancy). We also kept the expecting mother in mind, considering the type of vitamin it was to account for the mother’s taste preferences and the nutrients vitamins might have that support a mother’s health.

Best Prenatal Vitamins Overall
Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins
With 25 different vitamins packed into one, this organic vitamin easily tops our list as the best prenatal vitamin.

The Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins were an easy choice for our top pick. It’s a 100% organic vitamin with top-quality ingredients. It’s free of major allergens, uses natural food coloring, and is made in the USA.

The 5 Best Prenatal Vitamins

Editor's PicksBrandRating
Best Prenatal Vitamins OverallActif Organic Prenatal Vitamins4.8
Best Soft Gel Prenatal VitaminEnfamom Prenatal Vitamins4.4
Best Budget Prenatal VitaminsSolimo Prenatal Vitamins4.4
Best Vegetarian Prenatal VitaminsMama Bird PRenatal Vitamins4.4
Best Prenatal Vitamins for Nursing MothersThorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins4.5

*Ratings are from Amazon at the time of publication and can change

Best Prenatal Vitamin Overall: Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins

Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins contain everything you could want in a prenatal vitamin. It contains more than 25 different minerals, probiotics, and vitamins in just one capsule. It’s made in the USA in an FDA-approved facility and has a 100% satisfaction guarantee so you don’t lose anything by trying it.

This is the only product that contains 100% non-GMO, natural-sourced, and non-synthetic vitamins. This product is thoroughly healthy, containing all-natural probiotics, food colorings, and folic acid. The Omega-3 DHA is naturally sourced as well in order to help your child’s brain fully develop.

You get a three months’ supply of Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins when you order, which means that at about $44, it’s only a little more than $14/month. That’s a really affordable price for such a natural, high-quality product. This vitamin has more than 6.700 reviews and averages an incredible 4.8 stars out of 5. With these kinds of extremely positive reviews, you know you’re getting a product that is exceeding the expectations of the vast majority of the people who purchase it. It will meet your prenatal vitamin needs too!

Key Features: Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins

  • 100% all-natural ingredients
  • BPA-free bottle
  • Made in USA with 100% satisfaction guarantee

Best Soft Gel Prenatal Vitamins: Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins

Best Soft Gel Prenatal Vitamins
Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins
These soft gel prenatal vitamins allow expectant moms to give their babies the nutrients they need while not upsetting their own sensitive stomachs.

Enfamil is a trusted name in baby formula, and Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins is their way to show how much they care about expectant moms and their developing babies too. This soft gel is sugar-free with no high-fructose corn syrup, artificial sweeteners, or colors, which shows how much they care about a pregnant mom’s need to stay healthy during pregnancy.

This prenatal vitamin helps with every stage of your baby’s development. Babies need calcium for strong bones. Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins have 25% more calcium than leading competitors. Babies need folic acid to make sure that their brains and spines develop properly. This prenatal vitamin contains folate, a natural B vitamin that may be easier to absorb than folic acid. Babies need Omega-3 DHA for brain development. Enfamom’s got this one too.

All of this comes in one soft gel that’s easy to take and gentle on an expectant mother’s stomach, which can be really sensitive during pregnancy. Women are safe to take this vitamin before they become pregnant, all throughout their pregnancy, and even after they’ve given birth, making it a great vitamin at all stages for both mom and baby.

Key Features: Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins

  • 25% more calcium than leading competitors
  • Brand has more than 100 years of experience with babies
  • Soft gel is easier on stomach

Best Budget Prenatal Vitamins: Solimo Prenatal Vitamins

Best Budget Prenatal Vitamins
Solimo Prenatal Vitamins
These gummy vitamins don’t just come packed with nutrients, but with a low cost and a great money-back guarantee that make it very easy for you to try them.

When you start researching prenatal vitamins, you’ll find that there is a wide variety of choices, many of which are expensive. Solimo Prenatal Vitamins proves that you don’t have to pay the big bucks to get a great vitamin that meets the needs of both you and your baby. It’s a vitamin that an expectant mother can take all throughout her pregnancy and know that she’s taking good care of herself and her baby.

These prenatal vitamins are free of many major allergens, including gluten, wheat, eggs, and dairy. But they’re full of lots of other good things that your baby needs to grow strong and healthy before entering the world. Solimo has Omega-3, folic acid, and eight other vitamins and minerals. All of that is packed into each gummy vitamin. They’re flavored naturally with lemons, oranges, and raspberries, and the gelatin is made to be soft and easy to chew and digest.

There are gummy vitamins that come in a 45-day supply (take two a day) for just $9, which puts it about $.10/vitamin. That’s incredibly low for all that it offers. Your satisfaction is also guaranteed within a year of purchasing the gummy – a huge window of time you don’t ordinarily get. With all of the nutrients packed into this vitamin, its low cost, and the satisfaction guarantee, there’s no reason for you not to try these gummy prenatal vitamins.

Key Features: Enfamom Prenatal Vitamins

  • Satisfaction guaranteed within one year of purchase
  • Naturally flavored
  • Free of major allergens included gluten, eggs, and soy

Best Vegetarian Prenatal Vitamins: Mama Bird Prenatal Vitamins

Best Vegetarian Prenatal Vitamins
Mama Bird Prenatal Vitamins
This vegan prenatal vitamin gives you all the nutrients you and your baby need for a healthy pregnancy.

Just because you’re pregnant doesn’t mean you have to change the way that you eat. If you’re a vegetarian, there are now prenatal vitamin options made just for you. Mama Bird Prenatal Vitamins tops our list. They don’t use animal products and they still give you and your baby all the nutrition you both need during the critical months of pregnancy.

Let’s start with what they leave out. In addition to any meat products, they also leave out major allergens, GMOs, yeast, sugar, artificial colors, and artificial preservatives. What’s left? A vegan-friendly vitamin that contains organic herbs, an enzyme blend, and probiotics.  The Mama Bird company doesn’t bother with trendy ingredients but strives to use only tested ingredients that have been proven effective.

They worked with neurologists on the formula for this vitamin and use a practice called neuro-nutrition to make sure that they’re paying special attention to the brain functions of both mom and baby. That includes memory, energy, sleep, and focus. You don’t have to sacrifice nutrition and results in your prenatal vitamins just because you don’t eat meat. You just need to choose that vitamin wisely and go with the brand that you know cares about you, your principles, and your baby.

Key Features: Mama Bird Prenatal Vitamins

  • Employs neuro-nutrition
  • Gentle on mother’s stomach
  • Use only tested ingredients

Best Prenatal Vitamins for Nursing Mothers: Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins

Best Prenatal Vitamins for Nursing Mothers
Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins
This vitamin gives expectant and nursing mothers all they need to nourish their baby both in utero and in their arms as they nurse.

Caring for your baby doesn’t stop once he or she is born. If you’re breastfeeding, your baby is depending on you to continue to provide him or her with the nutrients needed to get a healthy start in life. Enter Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins, which were designed for women to use both during their pregnancy and while they’re breastfeeding.

Thorne doesn’t use any additives in their vitamins. Using these pure ingredients means that they’re absorbed faster into the mother’s system and more easily passed on to the baby. This Basic Prenatal Vitamin is easier on a mother’s stomach because it uses a kind of iron that’s more easily absorbed rather than a harsher kind that may cause constipation. It also doesn’t contain any of the major allergens so it’s less likely to cause problems for a nursing mother and her newborn baby’s sensitive stomach.

Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins go through four rounds of testing to make sure that they’re stable and effective. Most other vitamin producers only do one or two tests on their products. And because Thorne test at every stage of the vitamin’s development, both expectant mothers and nursing mothers can rest easy knowing that the vitamin you’re taking is going to be effective and stable for you and your baby.

Key Features: Thorne Basic Prenatal Vitamins

  • Pure ingredients
  • No additives
  • Gentle to protect against nausea

Who Should Buy Prenatal Vitamins

There are two groups of women that should buy prenatal vitamins: Women who are pregnant and women who are trying to become pregnant. The first group is women who are currently pregnant. Why you are growing a baby, a good portion of your body’s vitamins, nutrients, and resources are diverted to your baby. Taking a prenatal vitamin will ensure that both you and your baby have enough of these three key things to get you through your pregnancy.

The second group of women is those who are trying to become pregnant. The minerals and nutrients that are in prenatal vitamins are the things that a baby needs to develop properly. None of them are harmful to non-pregnant women. So the current recommendation is to start taking the prenatal vitamins once you decide that you’re ready to conceive. That gives your body time to build up reserves of the nutrients and minerals that are in the vitamins so that your body is ready to grow and birth a baby.

If you’re struggling with getting comfortable during pregnancy, then you may also want to look into The Best Pregnancy Pillows.

Best Prenatal Vitamins Overall
Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins
With 25 different vitamins packed into one, this organic vitamin easily tops our list as the best prenatal vitamin.

Important Features to Consider

Prenatal vitamins should have a few important features. Here’s what to consider when selecting prenatal vitamins.

  • Folic acid. Folic acid is a vitamin that helps aid in the development of a baby’s spinal cord and brain. Not getting enough folic acid is one of the causes of spina bifida, a birth defect sometimes caused by the underdevelopment of the brain or spinal cord.
  • Iron. While you’re growing your baby, your body is adding to your blood supply. As your baby grows, your body goes from having enough blood to support just one person (you) to having enough to support two people (you and your baby). A prenatal vitamin should contain iron so you’re sure your blood has enough as it multiplies.
  • Vitamin D. This vitamin is very important to the development of eyesight, teeth, skin, and hair. You’ll want to make sure that your prenatal vitamins contain Vitamin D to help your baby develop those things properly.
  • Calcium. It’s no secret that our bones need calcium to stay strong. When you’re pregnant, it’s good to get an extra dose of calcium that not only helps your baby’s bones develop correctly, but also ensures that, as the mother, your bones don’t suffer because of the nutrients you shares with your baby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you take prenatal vitamins?

Being pregnant requires a lot of your body’s resources. Your baby consumes a lot of nutrients from your system, which can leave you feeling tired, energy-depleted, or even sick. Prenatal vitamins give your body the extra boost of nutrients and vitamins that you need to both stay strong and grow your baby. Additionally, prenatal vitamins are full of things that are good specifically for your baby. An example is folic acid, which is a major nutrient that aids in spinal cord formation and brain development. Not having enough folic acid can lead to birth defects like spina bifida. Prenatal vitamins give you extra resources to give your baby the best chance as he/she develops.

Can you take prenatal vitamins when you’re not pregnant?

Yes, you can – and you should! There’s no need to take them if you aren’t trying to get pregnant. However, if you are actively planning to conceive, doctors now recommend that you start taking a prenatal vitamin as part of that conception planning. Read on for more information about why starting to take prenatal vitamins sooner rather than later is a good choice.

When should you start taking prenatal vitamins?

The old school answer was that you start taking them when you find out you’re pregnant. The recommendation now is that you should start taking them as soon as you start trying for a baby. Why the change? Two reasons. First, you don’t often know that you’re pregnant until at least two or three weeks after conceiving. That’s time lost that you could have been giving your baby essential nutrients. Secondly, as we already said, growing a baby takes a lot of energy and strips your body of some of its resources. It’s good to build up a reserve.

Do prenatal vitamins make you gain weight?

While women who are pregnant often gain weight, usually around 30 pounds, there is no evidence that that weight gain is in any way related to taking prenatal vitamins. Most don’t have any calories so it would not be possible to gain weight taking them. Instead, weight gain is a natural part of increased food intake as a woman’s body supports a growing baby.

Other Prenatal Vitamins We Reviewed

Best Prenatal Vitamins Overall
Actif Organic Prenatal Vitamins
With 25 different vitamins packed into one, this organic vitamin easily tops our list as the best prenatal vitamin.

We looked at 20 other prenatal vitamins. Even though they didn’t make our 5 best prenatal vitamins list, they’re the best of the rest and each is still a great option for your baby. The information you’ll need to compare each one is included with the listing.

Gummy Prenatal Vitamins

Salaam Prenatal Vitamins

Salaam Prenatal Vitamins

These Salaam gummy prenatal vitamins free of many major food allergens, are Keto-friendly, and have no added sugar. They’re healthy gummy vitamins good for you and your baby.

Key Features:

  • Plant-based
  • Halal
  • 10% of profits go to charity

Cost: $21

SmartyPants Prenatal Vitamins

SmartyPants Prenatal Daily Multivitamin

Eighteen different essential nutrients are packed into each of the good-tasting, good-for-you, and good-for-baby SmartyPants prenatal vitamins.

Key Features:

  • Four flavors of vitamins in each container
  • Non-GMO
  • No artificial colors or sweeteners

Cost: $22

VitaFusion Prenatal Vitamin

VitaFusion Prenatal Vitamins

This vitamin was not only made to taste great with its raspberry lemonade flavor but also to be easy on your stomach, hopefully making it easier for women suffering from morning sickness to take.

Key Features:

  • Gluten-free
  • No iron
  • Contains fish oil

Cost: $35

Yum-V Complete Prenatal Vitamins

Yum-V Complete Prenatal Vitamins

This prenatal vitamin is packed with folic acid and other nutrients to help your baby’s development and keep you strong and healthy during your pregnancy.

Key Features:

  • Berry flavored
  • Kosher & Halal
  • Manufactured in a nut-free facility

Cost: $15

Organic Prenatal Vitamins

Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Once Daily Prenatal Vitamins

Garden of Life Organic Prenatal Multivitamin

If you’re looking for an organic vitamin that’s designed to take you from pre-pregnancy, through pregnancy, and even into post-pregnancy, this nutrient-rich vitamin is the one for you.

Key Features:

  • Vegan and gluten-free
  • Contains iron
  • Made with ginger and lemon peel to ease nausea

Cost: $19

Garden of Life Prenatal Multivitamin

Garden of Life Prenatal Multivitamin

Using clean gummy technology that ensures its vitamins are only made with organic ingredients and no candy-like ones, Garden of Life has made an organic vitamin that will meet all of your prenatal needs.

Key Features:

  • Certified organic
  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • Contains nine whole organic fruits in every bottle

Cost: $26

New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin

New Chapter Perfect Prenatal Vitamins

New Chapter’s Perfect Prenatal Multivitamin is certified organic, eases a sensitive stomach, and is packed with nutrients that will help a growing baby develop. What’s not to love?

Key Features:

  • Certified Kosher
  • 100% vegetarian
  • Made with non-constipating fermented iron

Cost: $35

Prenatal Vitamins for Nursing Mothers

Bright & Mighty Prenatal Vitamins

Bright & Mighty Prenatal Vitamins

Bright & Mighty has created a prenatal vitamin that’s also made for nursing moms. Their vitamin is free of dyes, gluten, wheat, shellfish, and dairy so you know you’re getting a quality, allergen-free supplement.

Key Features:

  • Contains highest allowable level of folate
  • No artificial ingredients
  • Beneficial to women trying to conceive

Cost: $27

Mama’s Select Multi & DHA Prenatal Vitamins

Mama's Select Multi & DHA Prenatal Vitamins-min

Mama’s Select Prenatal Vitamins keep you, your developing baby, and your nursing baby the nutrients you all need to stay strong and healthy.

Key Features:

  • Free of many allergens
  • High-quality ingredients
  • Money-back guarantee

Cost: $19

MorningPep Prenatal Vitamins

MorningPep Prenatal Vitamin

This prenatal vitamin helps to ease nausea from morning sickness in moms who are nursing one baby and pregnant with another. It’s easy to swallow and easy on your stomach.

Key Features:

  • Contains more than 30 vitamins and minerals
  • Includes probiotics
  • Made in the USA

Cost: $25

Soft Gel Prenatal Vitamins

Benevolent Prenatal Multivitamin

Benevolent Prenatal Multivitamin

These soft gel capsules are designed to be easy on your stomach to help with nausea while still providing all the nutrients that your baby needs to grow and develop while you’re pregnant.

Key Features:

  • Non-GMO
  • Contains cognitive support complex for brain development
  • Gluten-free

Cost: $20

Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin

Nature Made Prenatal Multivitamin

The Nature Made soft gel vitamins are designed for maximum absorption into your system and support all stages of your baby’s development.

Key Features:

  • No artificial flavors
  • Gluten-free
  • Carefully chosen ingredients

Cost: $15

One A Day Prenatal Vitamins

One a day

The top brand recommended by OBGYNs has a soft gel prenatal vitamin that has no artificial flavors or sweeteners, gives you the right amount of folic acid, and can be taken before you’re pregnant, during your pregnancy, and after the baby is born.

Key Features:

  • Free of major allergens
  • Contains Omega-3 DHA
  • Dairy-free

Cost: $42

Zahler Prenatal Vitamins

Zahler prenatal vitamins

Zahler Prenatal Vitamins provide premium support for you and your growing baby with ingredients including folate for spine development and lutein for eye development.

Key Features:

  • Contains 25 vitamins plus DHA
  • Uses non-constipating iron
  • Vegetarian

Cost: $30

Vegetarian Prenatal Vitamins

Deva Vegan Prenatal Multivitamin

Deva Vegan Prenatal Multivitamin

Now you don’t have to worry about your baby’s development if you want to continue to adhere to your vegan diet during pregnancy. This prenatal vitamin is vegan-certified and still contains nutrients like DHA and folic acid for healthy baby development.

Key Features:

  • Provides recommended levels of different vitamins in one capsule
  • Only natural ingredients
  • Contains Vitamin B12

Cost: $16

Emerald 1-Daily Multivitamin

Emerald 1-Daily Multivitamin

If you are looking for a vegetarian prenatal vitamin that uses a gentler form of iron to help keep you from becoming constipated, Emerald is the choice for you.

Key Features:

  • Natural ingredients
  • Contains potassium to help with cramping
  • Can use after baby is born too

Cost: $20

MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Vitamin

MegaFood Baby & Me 2 Prenatal Vitamin

Organic fruits and vegetables provide great nutrients in this vegetarian prenatal vitamin, designed to be taken before, during, and after pregnancy.

Key Features:

  • Formulated by doctors
  • Certified Kosher and non-GMO
  • Can be taken on an empty stomach

Cost: $56

Naturelo Prenatal Multivitamin

Naturelo Prenatal Multivitamin

Naturelo had the health of both moms and their developing babies in mind when they created this health-conscious, food-based prenatal multivitamin.

Key Features:

  • No artificial colorings or preservatives
  • Can be used as prenatal and postnatal vitamin
  • Made in the USA

Cost: $40

Pink Stork Total Prenatal Vitamins

Pink Stork Total Prenatal Vitamins

These vegetarian prenatal vitamins are formulated to be a “clean” product free of major allergens and designed to be easy to swallow and digest.

Key Features:

  • Gentle on stomach
  • Formulated by doctors
  • Created by female-run company

Cost: $27

VitaminIQ Whole Food Prenatal Vitamin

VitaminIQ Whole Food Prenatal Vitamins

VitaminIQ uses plant-based ingredients as the basis of this prenatal vitamin that uses high-quality nutrients like folate found in whole foods rather than a synthetic folic acid.

Key Features:

  • No artificial colors or flavors
  • Made in USA in FDA-registered facility
  • Seven key vitamins and minerals

Cost: $40